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If you're looking for ADHD resources, you're in the right place!
 If you're overwhelmed, then we have something in common.
 Chaos and overwhelm were my baseline before I started this journey!

I never imagined things could be different for me...because no matter what/ how hard I tried, they were never any differentBut things are different for me now, and they can be different for you, too!

If you're newly diagnosed, suspecting/self-diagnosed, or even diagnosed with ADHD years ago, it is absolutely possible for you to make real changes in your life!

In my next email, I'll tell you a little more about how I made some of those changes. Meanwhile, you can explore the free resources (like my podcast & blog) and coaching services (1:1 coaching & coaching membership) on my website!

Interested in working with me? I work with my clients in my group membership and 1:1 coaching

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Spoiler: But I have ADHD, so I didn't do this in a linear way. 
It was sloppy, but I still ended up where I wanted to be. 
This was what it looked like for me:

I Learned As a Professional
Since I was an occupational therapist, I started with some knowledge of ADHD. But it didn't take me long to realize that I didn't know as much as I thought I did! There were some pretty big holes in my knowledge and I didn't grasp the FULL impact of ADHD...yet.

I Learned As a Parent
You know when the flight attendants tell you that you should put on your own mask on before helping others? That's great advice; I didn't follow it. 

Two of my children were diagnosed with ADHD, two years apart, so I was all in with learning how to support their executive functioning skills & emotional regulation! What I didn't know at the time was that the exhaustion and overwhelm I felt was due to the fact that I had the same challenges!

I Learned as Someone Diagnosed (Later in Life) with ADHD
Yep, helping myself was last… because I was diagnosed last. My diagnosis (at age 40) was life changing. I already knew many of the tools I needed, but something was still missing. I’ll talk more about that missing piece tomorrow…

If you're learning how to work with your brain, my group coaching program may be a good fit for you!

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I started learning even more about the strategies I needed to work with my brain, but something was missing. I knew about self compassion and I understood that practicing it could decrease my stress and anxiety, but with all I had to do, it didn't feel important. I didn't see how getting better at self compassion could help me work with my ADHD!

On some level, I even thought self compassion could hurt my progress...

  • Wouldn't it just make me just chill out and be ok with being stuck? 
  • Didn't I need some "angst" to get me moving? 
  • Wouldn't accepting myself right now make me less likely to change?
Self compassion helped me problem solve & make changes!

When I got better at relating to myself with curiosity and acceptance, I found that I could problem solve instead of melting into a puddle of shame when I messed up! That made making the changes I wanted to make much easier. And it wasn't just me, the science backs this up!

What Does the Science Tell Us?

  • Self compassion helps you stay in the "decision making" part of your brain ( helps problem solving)
  • Self compassion helps you regulate emotionally.
  • Self compassion gets you out of the "all or nothing" thinking trap!
  • Self compassion builds awareness so you can see what other the practical steps available to you.
  • Self compassion encourages you to work with the brain you have rather than forcing you to adopt strategies that work for others!

I help YOU build practical strategies along with self compassion skills!

When you have both of these, you're unstoppable! This combination is life changing, especially for those of us diagnosed later in life (because we tend to have more years of self criticism to un-program). 

 If you're interested in learning more about working with me,  explore the services I offer below!
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Welcome and thank you for signing up for Sensory Strategies for ADHD! 

Over the next 5 days, you'll receive installments of our training directly to your inbox! By the end of this 5 video series, you'll have an amazing tool for regulating your attention, energy, focus, and emotions! (And the best news is that you can use these strategies no matter where you are!)

Today's Video: ADHD is a Regulatory Disorder!

Two common ADHD stereotypes about ADHD are:

 1. we can't focus
 2. we have endless energy. 

But that's not the most accurate picture of ADHD... The truth is:

  • Sometimes we focus really well! (we even struggle stopping our focus when we're "dialed in" to a task)
  • Many of us with deal with fatigue, exhaustion, and unpredictable energy!
A more accurate description of life with ADHD is that we struggle to regulate our focus, energy, & emotions! Because of this, we often can't rely on our focus or energy. This can be confusing (and super frustrating); we don't know which version of us is showing up when we start our day!

Today's video talks about nervous system regulation and why it's helpful to think of ADHD as a diagnosis of dysregulation (rather than one of "low attention"). When we find tools that help us regulate our attention, energy, focus, and emotions, it can make living with ADHD a LOT smoother!


Interested in more trainings like this? My group coaching membership offers monthly course/ workshops, group coaching calls, and an awesome community! Learn more here:

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Copyright Donae Cannon