Overwhelm & Planning Tool!

Manage Overwhelm, Manage Your Time, and Increase Motivation with This Simple Tool
The tool I discuss in this video is one I made for decreasing overwhelm and helping you manage your "TOO-MANY-Things To Do List". If you struggle with this, you're not alone; it's pretty common for those of us with ADHD!

This fillable PDF was designed to help you with these executive function skills:

1. Memory- Using a dump list regularly means you're not trying to keep all of this in your head! 

2. Time Management- We're using "containers" for our time here. The dump list is like a dumpster, there's room for everything! Your week and daily lists are much smaller containers, so you'll have to choose what to fits  there.

3. Prioritizing- When you're moving things to your weekly list, you'll choose the things that are high priority first and make sure they have a place to live before you add others.

3. Planning, Breaking Things Down- if you can't finish the whole task this week, don't move it from the dump list to "this week"! Instead, move only the steps you have time for and keep that big task on your dump list until you've chipped away at all the steps and can cross it off.

4. Emotional Regulation/ Overwhelm- Overwhelm can throw us into fight-flight-freeze reactions, which for many of us that means we shut down. This tool is meant to keep overwhelm/ shut down at bay!

5. Managing Energy- Do the heavy lifting of planning and prioritizing just one time a week instead of every day! That can make a big difference in the mental energy you spend when planning your time!


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