Group Coaching Feedback Form

Your ideas will be used to make improvements in the group as well as strengthen the aspects that are already working!

If there is positive feedback that you would like to give me permission to use in my marketing, you can indicate that on this form as well. 

Thank you for being a part of our group !

Name (can be anonymous if preferred)*
What days and times are ideal for group coaching calls? (please include time zone)*
Do you want to have coaching call replays available in the membership?*
Which parts of the group are most important to you? (choose all that apply)*
Things that are going well/ that you've enjoyed so far:*
Things that could improve/ frictions, frustrations?:*
Do you think "gamifying" parts of our membership would be helpful? *
Suggestions for new features/ changes/additions:*
Can I use any positive feedback in my marketing materials for coaching/ the group?*