Welcome to the Embrace Your Brain Membership!

We're so glad that you're here! You're joining an awesome group of individuals who are all on the same journey; we're learning to work with our brains so we can live our best lives with ADHD! 

You can get familiar with the resources offered in our membership on this page.

 Monthly Calendar
      Make sure to check our monthly calendar for live coaching calls, workshops, co-working sessions and other live events each month!

August Dates:

8/1/24   Group Membership Opens!!!

8/8/24   11:00 am ET Group Coaching Call

8/19/24  5:00 pm ET Group Coaching Call

Coaching Call Links
     Use these links links to join our group coaching calls!

Join Our Group Coaching Calls Here!

AM Group Coaching Call
Link for all 11:00 AM Calls

PM Group Coaching Call
Link for all 5:00 PM Calls

This Month's Course 

  Un- Frazzle: 
Time Management for ADHD

     Learn why time is challenging for your brain type and what you can do about it!

I know that you're here because you're excited about making changes! I also know that this group isn't the only thing you have going on in your life! When I am making changes, I often write menus. Menus are different options depending on my "appetite" for doing the thing.

Since I can be a bit "all or nothing", menus help me prepare for the fact that doing the new thing might look different each day. My energy, motivation, and time commitments fluctuate, so menus give me some space for that! Each month, I'll offer a few "menus" of what being a part of this group can look like for you. Pick what feels right.


  • Download the app (if you plan to access your membership on your phone)

  • Download the workbook (if you'd like to use the fillable workbook)

  • Watch a coaching call replay

  • Post in the community forum

  • Watch 10 minutes of the course videos; pick 1 strategy to experiment with!

Full Meal

  • Download the app (if you plan to access your membership on your phone)

  • Download the workbook (if you'd like to use the fillable workbook)

  • Join us for a live coaching call and/or watch a replay

  • Post in the community forum & comment on one other post

  • Watch the course videos; pick 2 strategies to experiment with!


  • Download the app (if you plan to access your membership on your phone)

  • Download the workbook (if you'd like to use the fillable workbook)

  • Join us for both live coaching calls and/or watch replays

  • Post in the community forum and comment on one other post

  • Watch the course videos, pick any strategies you'd like to experiment with & tell us how it went in the forum!
Community Forum

Visit our community forum to connect with others! This is a great place to ask questions and share what you're trying from our coaching calls and courses.
**Next Month's Course: Hacking Your Motivation with ADHD!

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Copyright Donae Cannon